6:00am- Wake up
7:00am- Get to school an hour early, sometimes because I had something to do, but most times because I just did
3:00- Out of school and onto some random activity, be it swimming, volleyball (where I did more bench-sitting than actual playing because I was AWFUL, but had a great attitude), rehearsal for a play or whatever activity correlated with that season, that year
5:30- Either go to another rehearsal (2 years of Operetta rehearsals), or go home to start homework.
Until 10:00- Homework, dinner, family time
10:00- Phone time (boyfriends, best friends, 3-way-calls when the 3rd person didn't know I was there)
11:00- Sleep.
Weekends were usually just as busy, but not as structured.
But then I went to college, where I was stuck in a dorm room, eating terrible cafeteria food (and trust me, it was worse than most... APU didn't have the delish cafe like Concordia). From then on, I have developed a much more sedentary lifestyle and packed on the pounds. I don't know how much I weighed in high school, but I know that I got to see some pretty scary numbers. I finally took charge, and have been watching those numbers turn the opposite direction.
Since mid-December I have been on the Atkins diet (mid-December?? What a GREAT time to start a diet, huh????), and been exercising more regularly, just doing basic cardio-- treadmill, elliptical, or walking the dogs a few miles. So far, I have dropped 21 pounds and am fitting into jeans that are 2 sizes smaller, but I still have about 40 to lose until I reach my goal weight.
Well, today I embarked on a new journey. I started P90X. Yep, the one from the informercial. It is really hard. I did it at about 6:00pm. It is about 11:00pm now and I am already sore. My butt, my thighs, my tummy and my back. At least I can confidently say that I did the whole thing!! I ordered this program a few months ago, and when I first tried it, I couldn't even make it through half of the first video. Well now, guess what... I'm going to make those videos my b****. (excuse my french stars, I needed to psych myself up a little... gotta keep the energy up so I can stay excited about this scary thing!).
It's going to be a tough 90 days, but I am so excited! I don't want to post a picture right now, or tell you what my high point (or low point, depending on how you want to look at it, really) was; I am still pretty self-conscious (not to mention STILL scared of the number), but I will definitely post before/after pictures when I get down to my goal!
If you, like me, ever have a hard time working out, just tell yourself, "If I can get through this, I'm going to be skinny tomorrow!" Obviously the statement is completely flawed, untrue, and probably psychologically unhealthy somehow, but it works for me!
Monday, May 17, 2010: -21 pounds
I think the key is to just keep pressing play, I'm not psyched to do it. Time to go to the store and buy the food.